About Us

Students choose their stream & career options influenced by peers or family members & not as per their Orientation, Interest, Aptitude, Personality and Emotional Quotient. They are unaware of new and emerging career options available in different streams. There is a lack of information on which College / University offers these courses & how to get admissions in these colleges. Students just start preparing for Engineering, Medical or UPSC entrance exams and have no plan B to fall back on. They have a lack of information on equally rewarding career options in each of these streams. There is a need to guide each and every student in this age group to select their stream and career options judiciously as per their interest and aptitude.

Making Our Youth Future Ready

There is a huge mismatch of talent being produced and required by employers. By 2030 there would be a deficit of 85 million workers vs 245 millions of skilled labour surplus; creating need for right career/skills choice.

Currently since student in small towns are not aware of new and emerging career options which will provide employment in coming years they are still running after career choices which may not exist when they pass out of college.

According to a report, 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 have not been invented yet. It means all these career options which are majorly chosen by students now will cease to exist when they pass out. We have to be future ready with right skill set given to our youths so that we become the world super power. Employability of current youth will highly depend on the skill set given to them and before that we will have to make them aware of all of this, which our organisation is set to do in coming 2 – 3 years.

About US

What is Psychometric Test?

Thy Mentor provides best career assessment test which can help you to identify your career options. A career assessment test is merely a tool used by career counsellors to determine the best fit career option for individuals. There are various types of career assessment test which focus on different areas like skills, aptitude, interest etc.

Step 1: Career Assessment Test

Step 2: Comprehensive Report Generation (30 pages)

Step 3: In-person Counselling Sessions to understand the results of your detailed report and identify key career goals. Detailed report discussion and Guidance for Stream selection (Duration: 1 to 1.5 hrs) by leading career coaches and guide.

Step 4: Planning and Preparation – Seek guidance to plan the next steps and helping in achieving that. (Duration: 1 hr) followed by an additional session if required (Duration : 1 hr).




Language Courses


How are we different from other career counselling companies?


A good Career Counselor is a problem solver, a keen listener and observer, and has sufficient knowledge of various fields to guide you in your career decisions. 

Career assessments help students figure out which stream and subject combinations align with their ambitions. Students who are confused with respect to the career they should pursue, can make use of career assessments to know for sure. Some assessments suggest different careers that a student can venture into. Thy Mentor Career Assessment, for example, suggests 5 best-fit career matches, that a student is more likely to succeed in, thus providing a primary career option, a secondary one, and three other backups.

While some assessments simply ask the student to list their interest areas, and mark their personality traits, our assessment approach questions with situations and psychometric tools that are more scientific, advanced, AI based and progressive. Ours is the only assessment so far, to have included a section on emotional & social intelligence and gone as far as determining motivators for an individual.

Book Your Counselling Session!

You can call on 7428999925 for further queries and to

book a career counselling session for your child.

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